Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Don't Be Shy

Have you ever wondered how can one be so shy and timid? It’s not like we’re going to eat or hurt them. In fact, that is far from our intentions. Sometimes it makes no sense to you but I do in a way. Like most people, I too fell into the ‘shy’ group, though I have much improved over the years. There are many possible factors of shyness. People don’t just get shy all of the sudden for no reason what so ever.

People who have severe case of shyness may be dealing with very poor self-esteem or self-context; they don’t have confidence over themselves and they feel inferior when surrounded by other people. Their mind gets blank when they’re in a conversation and some might stutter when they talk. They get so nervous till they forget that they’re making a big fuss over nothing. If truth be told, they should have been acting calm and just follow the flow rather then stressing everything out.

Somehow or rather shyness might be mistaken with arrogance, whereas it is not. People often mistakenly assume that when a person avoids eye contact and is hard to make a conversation with, they are arrogant and stuck up. That kind of mindset should not be practise, not now not ever.

Being shy is not the end of the world but to overcome it takes 6 great steps.

1. When you get up in the morning go to the mirror and say out loud “I feel terrific! I feel terrific! I feel terrific!” Repeat this assertion at least 10 times in a day with eager until it embedded into your subconscious mind.

2. Dress up more often, wear pretty clothes and feel good about yourself. This will give you some kind of a feeling of confidence and self-esteem.

3. Take risk at least once a day so that it may help to conquer your fears. You can do everything, you’re growing in confidence as you learn more.

4. When you are in a conversation of two people or in a group, let them know that you’re shy. This will ensure them to include you in their discussion and stories.

5. Don’t be ashamed of rejection. Being rejected does not mean that you’re trash, it’s just that different people have different dislikes and likes.

6. Join any club, societies and activities that can make you feel excited and good about yourself.

As for the conclusion, it is essential to overcome your shyness, so that you can lead a stress free life and you can actually feel like a heavy burden has been lifted up.

Written by : Nur Afifah Bt Noor Azlan

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