Friday, September 11, 2009

Footsteps into Human Communication

Hey everyone !

This is my very first blog post for human comm ! I am so excited ! :)
It has been a fun and interesting first two weeks.
It can only get better from here, dont you agree ?
Anyway, as a start I thought I should keep it light.

So, Human Communication. What is it ? According to the textbook, it states that it consists of sending and receiving of verbal and non-verbal between two or more people. In other words, it is just like a conversation you have with someone else or as a group like your family and friends. It involves 2 main things, verbal communication meaning speaking using your mouth and the other is your body language which is the expression of your body.

I don't think I have to explain much about verbal communication as most of us know what that means. Lets focus on body language. Body language simply means how you or rather your body react to certain things like your pose, gesture and movements of parts of your body.

For instance,
1. If you avoid eye contact with someone...
This probably means you are afraid or shy.

2. If you keep pushing your hair back...
This most likely says that you are bothered or troubled by something, frustrated,
nervous, self-conscious or bored.

3. If you sit cross-legged...
This may suggest you are confident or flirty.

4. If your writing is small...
It might indicate you are uptight, likes to be organised, dislikes changes or neat.

That's all for now. I will update soon with my second post of the week ! Till then, take care ! :)

Mok Lee Ling aka Melanie. =)

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