Sunday, September 13, 2009

Relationship Problems??


The main problem why most relationships don't work out these days are because of the lack of communication that is in the relationship. Relationships just don't work out just because that guy or girl is good looking or the prettiest girl on the block. Relationships are based on how well you can communicate with the person you love in many ways of expressing it. Many people fail to realise that having good communication skills between each other makes the relationship stronger and healthier.

Why healthier??

Well basically when you can talk to your partner it makes the relationship bond greater as in you can talk about anything and everything to your partner without having the feeling of guilt in hiding anything.
This explains why most Hollywood couples find it difficult to stay together for a very long time as they find it difficult communicating with each other after a certain period of time. This is because both partners are out working or travelling around the world where they do not have time to spend with each other and talk out things where they come to a conclusion that there is no more chemistry between them and hence they finally one day decide they cant live under the same roof. Being in a relationship is less about being in love but more about communicating with each other that expresses the love by itself.

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